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     DJIA #: 65 - February 14-16, 2025     
EntryExpress Process

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Clubs have "Club Administrators" that manage every aspect of the event/entries - from setting up the event info to finalizing the draw, using online tools. This is usually the event secretary and/or chairman. A club can have as many administrators as necessary.

  1. Setting up your club. Request to have your club added to utilize the Entry Express system by emailing support@entryexpress.net. Once you have registered on the site, we set you up as a club administrator. You will Log in and click on My Clubs, which will give you access to the club tools. You will see three sections under My Clubs:
    1. Club Info - You can add a logo and your club officers to this section.
    2. Club Events - The actual event will be set up under this section by clicking on 'New Event'.  All of the fields are required to save it so if you do not have the info yet, you can put TBA or pending.  You can always go back and change it later until you finalize the event.  Once you have the basic information saved, it will pop out to another screen with your event listed.  You will be able to click on 'Edit Premium' to add additional information.  You can add info to this section at anytime even after finalizing the event.  Not all of these fields are required so you can save it and then come back to it to make changes later. You can also tweak the draw and enter results in this section.
    3. Mailing List:: Email us your initial mailing list (Excel format preferred). You can then add/edit/delete people from that point forward. Email your mailing list to support@entryexpress.net.

  2. Setting up your events. Set up your event and premium online. You can do this as far ahead as you'd like. People will then be able to add the event to their calendars in My Events. You can go in and finalize the event at any time once you have received AKC approval for your event and you must finalize your event at least 3 weeks prior to the event start – and remember that Entry Express needs 9-10 days to layout the catalogs prior to the event start to order ribbons and ship catalogs, ribbons, your event check and any supplies that you have ordered from Entry Express. After your first event, you are able to pull in a previous premium and make necessary changes - so you don’t have to type everything again. The first premium will be blank, except for Entry and Draw related fields, which are automatically populated by the system. It is very important that you have supplied a physical address where items shipped from Entry Express can be delivered on the Wednesday prior to the event start.

  3. Opening your event for entries.

    Finalizing the event will open the entries (except in the case with a limited entry master stake) and create the postcards (if you have selected that option) that are mailed to everyone on your list. The postcards are .85ea - we pay postage (post cards provide direct notice to your customer base but are optional & not required). The postcards have all pertinent info regarding your event and instructions on how to get a premium online or how to request a paper premium; we list a phone number and email address for these requests. We will send a paper premium to anyone who requests one and no charge to the club. You will still need to send a copy of the EE-generated premium to the AKC. You can print the premium off of the website and mail it to them. Entry Express is the only source for the premium and entry info when you elect EE as your electronic entry source. You cannot create your own premium on your club website, etc... You can put a link to the premium that exists on Entry Express. The Entry Express process works because it's a single source of information for your event and multiple sources result in handler confusion and frustration while meeting the AKC requirements for electronic entry. Clubs that limit the number of entries in the Master Hunter Test must advertise an opening date for its hunting test in advance of the event entry opening date. This can be accomplished by placing the event on the AKC Hunt Test calendar that EE provides on its website. In order for there to be transparency for all participants, the opening date for public entries shall be the Wednesday closest to three weeks prior to the first date of the event. The opening time shall be 8:00 pm in the time zone where the event is being held, although its opening will be displayed in the equivalent central time. The entries reserved for worker’s dogs shall open on Tuesday.

  4. Receiving entries. Entries will begin to come in online and via snail mail. You can monitor the entries online as they input. Mailed entries are added to the system during EE business hours after receipt by EE personnel, in accordance with the requirements of the event premium. Related to limited master tests, EE makes no guarantees or warranties related to the timeliness of when mailed entries will be input into the system. Therefore, limited master entries should be made via internet by the entrant or his/her agent & not be mailed. All checks are to be made payable to Entry Express. If the club does receive an entry by mistake, the entry should be fax’d or emailed to EE & received during business hours prior to entry close so that the entry can input it into the system, based upon space available.

  5. Closing the event. You should set up your event to close approximately 9 to 10 days prior to the event at 11:59 PM Central Time (you specify the close date in the event setup, but they all close at 11:59 PM (Central Time).

  6. The Draw. We run a proposed draw immediately after the close. A club administrator can re-run or tweak the proposed draw by moving handlers up and down in the order and across multiple flight stakes. Once satisfied, the administrator will finalize the draw which posts the running order and let’s us know the the catalogs can be created. See Pricing for details on catalogs.

  7. Your package arrives. A couple days before your event, you will receive a package containing all catalogs, marshal sheets, entries, invoice/statement, and a net check for all entries less EE fees. HRC clubs will receive labels for their point slips. It is very important that your premium contain a physical address where shipments can be addressed for delivery 2-3 days prior to the event start.

    Notes about pricing.
    There are no fees to the club, other than catalogs, postcards (club option), ribbons (club option), EE processing of AKC application (club option) & the credit card processing fees associated with entries for your event. The various other processing fees are ONLY applied to user-handlers who enter your event. Fees apply for all entries including mailed entries, see pricing from the menu. For the non-computer user, the only difference is that they mail their entries to a different address. We do charge the club for shipment of the catalogs unless the shipping method required is premium to meet expedited requirements. Pricing is subject to change without notice, please contact EE Support to confirm current pricing.

Entry Change/Removal/Cancellation Policy
Entry Express handles entry removals and cancellations prior to the event close. To remove an entry before the close, handlers should go online to the event entered, go to the View Entries page and simply click on the “Remove” link shown beside the dog(s) you entered & wish to remove, then complete the information requested. There is a range of fees from $4.50 to $10.00 per dog which might be charged to remove a dog depending upon how long the dog has been entered. Dogs removed from limited master stakes are charged $4.50 for each dog removed. All other stakes/venues will have a stepped removal fee structure. Dogs removed within 24 hours of entry will be charged $4.50 per dog removed. Dogs removed more than 24 hours after entry up to closing will be charged $10.00 per dog removed. Dogs can no longer be removed by phone call or email. After the close, the club handles any scratches and the club scratch/refund policy will apply. We send funds to the club based on the number of entries at the close. If your dog is being removed for injury or heat cycle, you must have the event secretary forward evidence confirmation of the injury or heat cycle, i.e., a veterinarian certificate to Entry Express support in order for Entry Express to process a refund. Entry Express will always refund your complete entry fee, however, a processing fee will be assessed to cover administrative costs and credit card processing fees incurred.

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